The Salvation Army
“Fellow Romans, from the bottom of our hearts The Salvation Army truly appreciates your generous support and encouragement of our efforts. Because of you we have served approximately 4,000 families with groceries/hygiene care this last year, 200 families with Christmas Gifts/Clothing, 100 families with winter gear/winter clothing, countless hours in prayer and counselling families through this new normal and much more. Holiday efforts are around the corner and we look forward to partnering with you to love and serve Rome. Give us a call at (315)336-4290 and see how you can join forces with us to bless this beautiful community.” Lieutenant Tabitha Swires.
Salvation Army Programs are led by Salvation Army Officers. These officers are responsible to lead by assessing needs, delivering programs and directing ministries for our local community. From serving food to balancing the books, they function as the Executive Directors and the Pastors for the Salvation Army Rome Corps. The Salvation Army is location at 410 W Dominick St, Rome, NY 13440. Lieutenants Scott & Tabitha Swires are Co-Commanders in Rome, NY.
To learn more, call (315)336-4290 or visit https://easternusa.salvationarmy.org/empire/rome/